Friday, July 13, 2012

Six Freedoms

Financial freedom means different things to different people. One major reason for this difference is our stage in life. Maslow’s hierarchy of (human) needs can be condensed into five groupings:

1) Physiological (survival) – air, food, water, clothing, shelter, sleep etc
 2) Safety – security, employment, property, health, family etc
 3) Love/Belonging – friendship, family, sexual intimacy
 4) Esteem – self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect etc
 5) Self-Actualization – creativity, morality, spontaneity, problem solving etc

Maslow’s theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire (or focus motivation upon) the secondary or higher level needs. This theory is widely accepted, with some additions like self transcendence by Viktor Frankl.

Your perception of financial freedom depends on what level you are in the hierarchy of needs. If feeding is an issue, financial freedom for you will be having enough money to meet your basic needs. If you have a good job and your basic needs have been met, financial freedom for you will be freedom to go do what you really love to do. While financial freedom has to do with money, it also encompasses other aspects, and sets the stage for that level of needs to be met.

I came across the six freedoms while reading the One Minute Millionaire by Mark Victor Hansen and Bob Allen. I believe this throws more light on the different dimensions of freedom, and how each relates to the other. You will find that finance sets the stage for the other freedoms.

They are:

1) Money Freedom
 2) Time Freedom
 3) Relationship Freedom
 4) Spiritual Freedom
 5) Physical Freedom
 6) Ultimate Freedom

 This has to do with having enough money so that you only work because you want to work, not because you have to work. You are now working for love, not money. You can choose not to work. You can afford what you want, when you want it, how you want it. You don’t have to issue post dated checks. You have enough money in your account to cover it.

 Money freedom leads to time freedom. Your time is yours. You determine what to do with your time. You can choose to vacation 3months in a year if you so desire, or cancel all your appointments tomorrow and ask your secretary to reschedule. You can decide to sail round the world, if that is your dream. You no longer say “One of these days I will…”. You have the time to do it. Your income does not dwindle because you take time off.

 Money and time freedom leads to relationship freedom. You have the time to spend as much as you want with your spouse, kids and dear ones to deepen your relationships. You no longer miss fathers or mother’s day, school plays, private time with your spouse and kids etc. You no longer leave home before your children are awake and return home after they have gone to bed. You can have a family breakfast on a working day and drop them off at school.

 This is also a form of relationship freedom, but with God. You have time to pray without one eye on the watch, meditate, go for personal retreats, attend programs during working days, travel abroad for conferences, programs, retreats and cruises etc. You have the time to watch videos and audio tapes of your favorite preachers, programs etc. anytime you desire.

 With money and time freedom, you have time to focus on your health and fitness. You have the time to exercise, go to a gym, join a health club, eat right. You can afford the finest nutrition, fitness coach, nutritional supplements, healthcare etc. If you leave home before sun up and return home at sun down, you hardly have time to give your health and fitness the care it deserves. You may buy supplements but forget to take them due to your frenzied lifestyle. With physical freedom, you are free to take care of your health.

 With ultimate freedom, you discover yourself and live life at the fullest. You pursue your real genius and attain your utmost potential. You are living your dream. You are on top of your game. You have made your way to the top. You are the best you can be, being your best and giving your best. You have the freedom to become you in your full God given potential. You are who you were born to be, doing what you were born to do.

Financial freedom is a springboard to other freedoms. If you are a monk, you don’t need to attain financial freedom. All your needs are met at the monastery by the religious order. This sets you free to pursue the other freedoms. If you have to earn a salary and put in time dictated by the clock, you have to work your way up, starting with financial freedom. After all said and done, financial freedom is not about money. It is about embarking on your journey to the ultimate freedom. Bon voyage and God speed.


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